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Public Hearing: Low Emission Vehicle Program

The DNREC Division of Air Quality will hold a virtual hearing on the potential adoption of Advanced Clean Cars II on April 26 at 6 p.m.

Bay to Bay News

DNREC: Clean Cars II would aid goal of shrinking greenhouse gas emissions in Delaware

DNREC Secretary Shawn Garvin joined Dr. David Stevenson, Director of the Caesar Rodney Institute’s Center for Energy & Environmental Policy and Dustyn Thompson, President of Delaware’s chapter of the Sierra Club at a townhall in hosted by the Delaware Republican Party in Wilmington last week to discuss Delaware’s potential adoption of California’s Advanced Clean Car II regulations.

Delaware Business Now

Grid operator PJM pushes for electricity auction change as concerns grow over peak winter demand

“The action followed PJM Board consideration of stakeholder comments sought in its Feb. 24 letter announcing a launch of an accelerated process to ensure adequate year-round reserves.”

Delaware Today

A look at the future of climate change in Delaware

“Delaware expert David R. Legates sounds off on climate change and how it will impact local businesses and industries.”

Cape Gazette

Letter to the Editor: EV mandate protects our health, environment

“A recent letter to the editor said that, according to their poll of Delaware citizens, electric vehicles are great, climate change is a real threat, and we favor wind and solar energy. . . “

Bay to Bay News

Delaware lawmakers set town halls on potential zero-emission mandate

“State lawmakers will hold a number of meetings this month regarding Delaware’s potential adoption of California’s Advanced Clean Car II regulations.”