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Test Your Sustainable Energy Knowledge
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Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it.
____________ is a key short-term and long-term strategy for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Delaware.
An assessment of Delaware’s existing infrastructure and emissions mitigation efforts commissioned by DNREC found that expanded energy efficiency actions can have the most significant impact on greenhouse gas emissions in the short term. These include things like the replacement of older or less energy-efficient appliances, vehicles, building materials, and other technologies with newer, more efficient designs that require less energy. Conversely, the study concludes that while both electrification and the expansion of renewable energy generation can drive emissions reductions, neither is a viable option near-term. (DNREC/ICF Report)

Building electrification
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Energy efficency actions
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Expansion of renewable energy generation
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All of the above
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Of the systems and industries listed below, which is responsible for the greatest contribution to greenhouse gas emissions?
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The airline industry
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Food waste
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Agricultural soil management
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This mitigation strategy can capture up to 90% of CO2 emissions from source points in the generation of energy.
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Carbon capture and sequestration technologies
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Peak load and balancing strategies
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Hydrogen technologies
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In 2005, ___________ was the largest source of emissions in Delaware, representing nearly half of the state’s total emissions (45.9%).
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Electric power generation
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Residential and commercial buildings
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After source reduction, donation and diversion to feed animals, _____________ is considered by the EPA to be the most environmentally sound method for managing food waste, which is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S.
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Anaerobic digestion
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Between 2005 and 2017, emissions in Delaware from the electric power sector, which relate to all electricity consumed in the state, decreased from 44% of total emissions in the state to only 26% of total emissions primarily due to:
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A transition to electricity generated from natural gas
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Enhanced transmission infrastructure for wind and solar energy
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Expanded building energy codes
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Expansion of renewable energy on-site at industrial facilities
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According to Delaware's Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) Division of Air Quality’s GHG inventory, this sector contributed the most to statewide greenhouse gas emissions in 2016.
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Electric power
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Residential and commercial buildings
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Which of the fuel sources below are considered carbon-neutral or carbon-negative?
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Compared to alternative renewable fuels like Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) and Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), the expanded use of electric vehicles can achieve the highest level of greenhouse gas reductions when replacing traditional fuel sources like gasoline and petroleum.
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Electrification of Delaware’s buildings and vehicles presents the greatest opportunity for immediate emissions reductions.
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