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Volvo launches powerful biogas truck for lowering CO2 on longer transports

DNREC appoints Dr. Katera Moore as state’s first environmental justice coordinator

“As DNREC’s environmental justice coordinator, Dr. Moore is responsible for developing and leading the implementation of the agency’s strategic vision of environmental justice while seeing that it aligns with federal guidance on EJ issues. To that end, Dr. Moore also serves as DNREC’s Title VI coordinator.”

Cape Gazette

Six solar fields await Sussex council action

“Over the past two years, three solar projects have been approved, another six are pending a decision by Sussex County Council and another was introduced during council’s Jan. 20 meeting.”

Delaware Public Media

The hidden environmental costs of transitioning to electric vehicles

“The Biden administration is trying to move Americans away from gas-powered cars, but replacing every internal combustion engine with a battery brings its own environmental cost.”


Natural Resources Secretary presents a ‘really rough’ estimate of the clean heat standard’s cost

“The secretary of Vermont’s Agency of Natural Resources implored lawmakers this week to look more deeply at logistical and cost implications of the proposed clean heat standard, a measure designed to reduce climate emissions from Vermont’s buildings.”


14 new electric vehicle charging stations will be installed in Delaware

“Grants were awarded to several businesses and one Delaware municipality for the 14 sites. The chargers will be accessible to the public 24 hours a day and users will pay a fee for powering their vehicles.”