A “farm powered” business model for scalable renewable energy production from waste

“Our food system generates two major waste streams that have traditionally ended up on the negative side of their potential – the manure that comes from farm animals, and the inedible food waste that happens at the food manufacturing or retail level. There is a solution that addresses both of these missed opportunities and reduces…

Climate Questions: What are the solutions to climate change?

“While renewable energy sources work well for electricity production, other industries — such as cement-making, steel and shipping — will be harder to wean off dirty fuels. That’s why experts are looking into technologies that may be able to help these specific sectors, as well as the possibility of “green fuels,” such as those made…

Climate promises are still not enough to avoid catastrophic global warming, U.N. says

“. . . countries are . . . failing to reduce emissions. They’re failing to build resilience to the effects of climate change . . . So year on year, we see new pledges. We see new promises. And what this report starkly shows is that all those pledges and all that talk is not…