What role does nuclear power play in the U.S. effort to cut greenhouse gas emissions?

“. . . it’s going to take every low-carbon energy source we have available to us to meet the kinds of challenges that climate change has put in front of us. There’s no question that it’ll require renewables and carbon capture and sequestration, and it will require nuclear, and quite a lot of all of…

CNX and New Frontier announce strategic partnership to leverage abated methane emissions to transform international travel

“NFA is developing next generation aircraft that can deliver passengers and cargo anywhere on the planet ten times faster than today’s jets, while CNX is a leader in capturing and processing methane that would have otherwise vented into the atmosphere, resulting in ultra-low carbon intensity natural gas.”

Public meetings planned this month on Delaware EV infrastructure, clean transportation initiatives

“Transportation is a leading cause of smog forming air pollutants in Delaware, including nitrogen oxides. It is also the leading contributor of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions which cause climate change. Delawareans can learn more about two key strategies – electric vehicle infrastructure and clean car regulations – the state is pursuing to…